SF Series machining centre

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SF Series machining centre : $320,000 - $390,000 AUD ($352,000 - $429,000 Inc. GST)
- SF series machines, with typical VW products features of rigid structure and high precision, are designed with direct-driven X-Y transmission device and torque enlarger unit on X-axis, increase the X-Y moving accuracy and offer the combination control of speed and precision.
- Twin Hydraulic cylinders plus pressured nitrogen accumulator balancing design provides smooth & accurate feeding performance. Z-axis can reach 0.5G acceleration and keep a holding position at power failure.
- Heavy duty roller ways on X-Y axis contain the advantages of low friction and high stiffness.
- High stiffness light-weight table design, ensures high acceleration/deceleration when loading.
- Y-axis upper roller way is positioned on the top of beam at max. span design offers strong supporting.
- Torque enlarger unit on X-axis increases the transmission torque and ensures the transmission accuracy.
Fanuc 0i MF controller
10.4" Color Monitor
Manual Guidei Conversational Programming
6,000 rpm 2-step gear spindle (Box way)
Spindle and gear box cooling system
Twin hydraulic cylinders with pressure air assistance balancing system
32 tool magazine with arm type ATC
Centralized auto lubrication system
Independent lubrication oil collector for 3 axes(X/Y/Z)
Enclosure splash guard(without roof)
Working light
3-color signal lamp
Air blast through spindle
Moveable manual pulse generator
Wash gun & pneumatic interface
RS232 interface
Absolute pulse coder feedback
Vision Wide VW-FX graphical user interface
Coolant system (Ring & Nozzle)(only for box way spindle)(without AC interface)
Heat exchanger for electrical cabinet
Twin chip screws on table side
Caterpillar type chip conveyor
Foundation pads & bolts kits
Tool kits
Operation manual, PLC & electrical circuit diagram
4,000/4,500/8,000 rpm 2-step gear spindle
8,000 /10,000 rpm belt-driven spindle
18,000/24,000rpm Built-in spindle
10,000rpm direct-driven spindle
40T tool magazine
Coolant through tool holder interface
Coolant through spindle system
HEIDENHAIN linear scale feedback
200/300/400 mm higher column extension(Higher column 200mm extended only for SF-xx12 series)
Sub working table
Oil skimmer
Oil mist cooling device
Rotary table
Interface preparation for rotary table(Machine contains within the hose and oil tank)
3-axis manual pulse generator
Automatic tool length measurement
Automatic work piece measurement
Manual clamping heads: 90 degree / extended / universal
Semi-auto clamping heads:90 degree
Chip cart
Z-axis retract function at power failure
Full enclosure splash guard